curl -F "convert=@/path/to/image.jpg"
You can upload your files from any custom application as long as it supports multipart/form-data and has an ability to post requests to the server.
One of the examples would be to use your favorite terminal with curl installed.
Main URL to the endpoint:
So far, there is no limits as the service is quite new and it's not so popular yet.
If you would like to participate in tools / handy script creation, please share with us through Feedback and we will happily post it here.
curl -F "convert=@/path/to/image.jpg"
curl -F "convert=@path/to/image.jpg" -F "convert=@path/to/image2.png" -F "convert=@path/to/image3.png"
find path/to/imagesfolder/ -name '*' -type f -exec curl -F "convert=@"{} \; -exec sleep 1 \;
The response is in JSON format, you can parse it accordingly.